How to create ascii art using VIM plugin DrawIT
Thu 12 November 2015 by Naveen TamanamCreating the ascii art using VIM plugin DrawIT
Installing VIM plugin DrawIT
Install the plugin if it is no available in your machine
This script/plugin is distributed as a vimball
This call be downloaded here
To download source go to /usr/local/src Create a directory VIM. go to the directory /usr/local/src/VIM (NOTE: it isn't manadetory to keep source in this location, it's upto you)
Dowload the source with following command
wget -O DrawIt.vba.gz
To install follow the instructions
Open file vim DrawIT.vba.gz
In command mode enter :so %
quit :q
Quick start with DrawIt
That's all you have to do to install a plug in. Now to test, open a new file
and type the following in command mode
If you see [DrawIt], the plugin is enabled an you can draw you art.
Here is how you will start and stop DrawIt
start DrawIt
stop DrawIt
User your arrow keys to draw whatever you want